Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We're just taking a walk, nothing more

(Picture taken from the nternet)

You know how sometimes you just know that the Spirit is leading your steps?

Today Carol and I went for a hike on "Reflection Hill", as I have named it. We brought our bread, chapatis, bananas and water along,  ready for a long, tiresome day of walking.
As we made it to the plains on the top of the hill, we met a guy in a yellow T-shirt:
- So, what have you come to produce? he said.
- Produce? We're not producing anything, we replied, a bit baffled at the question.
- Oh, so then you are missionaries? You have come to speak the word of God?
- Not really, we replied.
- We're just taking a walk, nothing more.

We kept going, and as we started going down the other side of the hill, we met a young guy who was herding cattle. Again, we stopped, talked about everyday things and continued on our journey. After a few minutes we arrived at the side of a lake, and we sat down. The young shepherd reappeared, now together with another guy. We struck up a conversation, or rather, Carol did. I was strugglig to understand their kiswahili, and kept silent most of the time.

- What is your dream? Carol asked the shepherd.
- I don't have one, was the reply.
- I have never had a dream.

We were surprised, to say the least, to hear such cynicism from a 20 year-old guy. As we kept inquiring, it turned out he had dropped out of secondary school due to lack of funds. His father had passed away 10 years ago, leaving the family in a very difficult economic situation. So for the past few years he had been roaming around, herding cows or working at the farms from time to time. Whenever there is no work, he usually passes his time in the local bar.

-Even when you met me in the morning I was drunk, he said.

We ended up not walking any further, but spending our afternoon with these guys. We visited their home, shared lunch and talked about our faith, our hopes and dreams. Truly God took great part in our conversation, and I am sure that we all left "Reflection Hill" impacted by His greatness in one way or another.

Reflection of the day: When you have surrendered your life to God, there is no such thing as just a walk.

1 comment:

  1. wow, like this 'walk experience'. He promised to be with us to the end of the age.
