Saturday, September 26, 2009

The last week in Mandal

I am back in Bergen after 6 very exciting weeks at Hald. It feels very strange not to be constantly surrounded by 80 wonderful people, and I have to admit I'm feeling just a tad lonely. On the other hand I am beginning to realize that in only 5 days I'm leaving for Kenya, which is just amazing! It's so inspiring to see how God has stuck to his plan of sending me there for such a long time, and I find it hard to understand that this plan is finally being put into action. It still feels more like a distant dream than anything else.
But, let's take that part when it comes. For now I'd like to tell you guys a bit about the last wonderful week in my favourite bubble. The highlight was without a doubt the Latin American party on tuesday. It was amazing to have 80 people from all over the globe dancing to songs from "back home". It was without a doubt a huge success, it really seemed like people enjoyed it.
Only two days later, on thursday night, we had out farewell-party (or "welfare-party", as a tired fellow-student expressed it very eloquently one early morning). We all showed up in our best clothes for a night of good food, entertainment and dancing.
But even more valuable and important were the late nights spent this last week, playing ligretto, listening to music and talking. Knowing we were about to leave we all tried to make the most of every moment we had together.

It's incredible how quickly the last 6 weeks have past, and it makes me realize how short this year actually is. This makes me want to be 100 % present in every moment of it, and fully take in every emotion that comes along. As time passes I find myself opening up in a way that I haven't done in a very long time, and it feels great!

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